Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I Hate This Class So Much

I just got out of a class filled with third-graders. It was my nonverbal comm class, and it was being led by the nine hundred pound teacher's assistant, because our prof couldn't get out of jury duty. Apparently, she's on the jury for a murder trial. EXCITING! Whatever...

Anyway, I'm just so tired of hearing all the people in that class just talk and talk and talk. They won't shut up. It's like being in elementary school during a rainy day recess. Only there's no heads-up-seven-up to distract you from the stupidity of your peers. We were talking about time orientation systems, like being future-oriented or present-oriented. All of a sudden, every single person in the class starts yelling at the top of their lungs with some moronic story about how the Mexicans they work with have a different "time structure," and how they value personal relationships over punctuality and efficiency. Shut up. Sometimes, believe it or not, there are just lazy people. Sometimes, it can't be explained away with differing "time structures." Besides, did you ever consider the possibility, however slight, that no one cares about the people you work with? Too bad, 'cause it's probably true.

Later in the class, we were talking about environment and its effects on behavior. Doesn't require a whole lot of anecdotal discussion, right? Well, you'd think, but you'd be wrong. I kept hearing these people sitting around me talking about how you're supposed to act or dress a certain way when you go to a nice mall, but those restrictions, or mabe they're just guidelines, don't seem to exist in places like Wal-Mart. I can't believe it took us eighteen stupid personalized boring stories to figure that out. I knew that without even taking the class. I'm sure most of you did, too. I guess comm majors are, in general, just way stupider than the average UCCS student, which is saying quite a bit.

One girl was talking about how Casa Bonita is selling the experience instead of their crappy food. Nice one, Sherlock. Are you sure you aren't a CSI disguised as a retarded college student? Or maybe problem solving and "saying things that are obvious to a fetus" just come naturally to you. Then, she said, "And what about Starbucks?" as if there was a single person in the room who hadn't already made that connection. It took all my willpower not to shout out, "What about shut the hell up before I crush your larynx with my thumb?"

The faux-prof for the day even got in on the stupid-story-telling action. She told us about one time when she was standing in the first class line at an airport and some woman thought she was supposed to be in the coach line. She started the story by saying, "Never wear a denim jacket, sweat pants, and tennis shoes in the first class line at the airport." That immediately made me want to say, "How about just never wearing denim jackets with sweat pants EVER, you cow?" or "I'll give you a thousand dollars or a Twinkie if you promise to never speak again."

I guess I'm just really irritable around stupid people, and every word they say makes me want to shove a pen into my ear just to relieve myself from the pain of hearing them speak. If you heard things like, "That outfit makes her look like an extra on 'Newhart,'" or "Just wave some money in front of the Mexicans you work with. That'll make 'em work faster," or "I'm a big fat idiot who has to walk into this classroom sideways and I love to show people just how stupid I am by expressing my retarded opinions in a way that makes them sound like I just read them off a bathroom wall and Andrew would you please put me out of my misery and put some rat poison on the end of the pencil I'm constantly chewing on or maybe follow me to my car and set it on fire with me sitting inside it"... I, uh.... I seem to have lost my train of thought. But trust me, you'd feel the same way if you were in my position.


Blogger Vaughan said...

Thanks for the kind words, Doog. I'm flattered.

11:30 PM  

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