Tuesday, December 13, 2005

It's Not Racist If You Only Think It

I was sitting in my nonverbal comm class, patiently waiting for the professor to pass out her joke of a final, when I overheard a guy sitting next to me talking to his friend in class. Now, this guy just happens to be of hispanic descent. In response to his friend asking what he was doing over Christmas break, the guy said, "Oh, I'm going down to El Paso to see my parents." I couldn't resist. About 90 jokes came flooding into my mind. I tried to remember some of them:

"So your dad took the week off, eh? Does the farmer know about this?"

"Oh, so your parents still haven't saved up enough money to bring your siblings up?"

"Better make sure not to shave your upper lip. They might not recognize you."

"I sure hope you can find the address. Just because welfare checks can be sent to PO boxes, it doesn't mean they're connected to a street address."

"Shut up, Mexican."

"I hope your dad saved up a lot of vacation time. Those drive-thrus aren't going to run themselves."

"Be sure to take lots of rope for the car you'll be bringing back."

"Did you ask for refried beans for Christmas?"

"Ah, El Paso... the largest Spanish speaking city outside of Los Angeles..."

I personally like the "Shut up, Mexican" one because it gets right to the point.


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