Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Like A Child

Sometimes, I really miss having the cognitive abilities of a six-year-old. The world is so much simpler. There's hardly any self-consciousness to speak of. You just do what you want, consequences be damned. That seems to be the attitude of my yongest cousins. They came out here to visit us over Easter weekend for the first time in... several years. We had to pack a lot of stuff into a four day period. One thing we did was take a tour of the Coors brewery up in Golden. This was the first time I'd been able to go there and actually be able to get my three free drinks at the end. Very nice. For this whole weekend, our house was littered with small toys, board games, arts and crafts, and a giant exercise ball my mom uses for her back or something. They especially loved that ball. I slept in the basement for four days, and every morning at about 8 am like clockwork, I heard that ball bouncing ten feet above my head on the wood floor in the kitchen. I just miss the time when it was still socially acceptable to turn around in your chair and just stair at the people sitting behind you in church. If I tried that now, I'd probably end up kicking some random dude in the neck for lookig at me funny. I'm not sure why I have such a problem with people staring at me. Maybe it's because I hate all the attention. Or maybe it's because most people are ugly, and I don't want to have to subject myself to their massive ugliness. Or maybe I just have a much larger and more complex personal space bubble than most people. If you stand too close to me, even if I like you, I'll still probably start slowly moving away from you. I gots to have my space. Wow... talk about going on a tangent... I actually had several ideas for what to write in this post, but I couldn't get to a computer in time after they left, which was yesterday morning. Now, I've fogotten most of what I wanted to include in this piece. No matter.


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