Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Buy More Cheetos

The first time I saw this website, I laughed so hard I think I broke a blood vessel in my eye. The creator is a "teacher and concerned citizen" (read: "loser") who thinks those Cheetos commercials where people get what's coming to them are unfunny and socially irresponsible.

I'm not sure if this dufus is aware of surrealist humor or Web 2.0, but her (I can only assume it's a female humanities teacher) wanton and smelly disregard for all things funny on TV is just plain offensive. I'm amazed she even knew the commercials were advertising Cheetos, and not some antidepressant. If you're reading this right now, lady, then allow me to crack an egg of knowledge all over the dry pancake mix that is your head:

The ad campaign is directed at adults. Frito-Lay is trying to convey the message that Cheetos are a cathartic way for people who are all growns up to kick back and indulge that natural desire we all feel for cheese-flavored powder and hardened corn foam.

If your children are going around smashing snack foods into laptops, then ma'am, I suggest you either call child services and have them cart you away for being a terrible parent, or at the very least, blow the whole college fund on jet skis, as your kids are clearly retarded, and they're never getting into college.

Is this no-account, two-bit thimblerigger actually willing to admit that she thinks children are stupid enough to copy the actions of a character in a 30-second commercial? What about the ads for Priceline, Call of Duty, Travelocity, Burger King, Axe, Scion, Honda, SportsCenter, Trix, Lucky Charms, and literally hundreds of others, all of which feature acts of violence? If she doesn't want to look like a big, floppy tool and a glaring hypocrite, then why doesn't she boycott all the stuff that could corrupt her (obviously moronic) children's fragile little minds? Because she's an idiot who spends more time voting for the next American Idol than she does thinking about why her daddy drank himself to death while she was busy protesting the Vietnam conflict and destroying her own memories one acid trip at a time.


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