Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Vote, Or You're An Idiot, And You Deserve To Be Kicked Out Of This Great Country

Today is an extremely important day in our nation's history. The man whom we elect as president will effect, for better or worse, the course of history around the world. I saw a man today at the polling place who must have been at least seventy-five years old. My mom recognized him, because he is a patient at the optometric office at which she works. He has cancer. This man needed his daughter to help him get through the line of people just so he could vote, but he did it nonetheless. The man has cancer, for crying out loud! If anyone out there is not voting because it's an "inconvenience," then you need to take a lesson from this man. He cares enough about the fate of the great nation to force himself, in quite a weakened condition, to do his civic duty and vote. If you are eligible to vote, and did not register, or worse, if you are registered and didn't vote, then you are un-American. I don't want you in my country. Either vote or don't complain when things don't go your way, because you have no right to complain if you can't get off your lazy ass to vote.


Blogger John said...

Proud of the result.

Proud of the process.

5:39 AM  

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