Thursday, June 02, 2005

A Small Book

As of the last post, I've written over 50,000 words on this blog. That's enough for a short nonfiction book! Granted, about a quarter of this stuff can't be used, because it's so incredibly un-PC. For some reason, people get offended when they read things like, "I'd like to meet the guy who decided that Chef Tony's dialogue could pass for something other than comatose brain activity, so I could kick him in the teeth in front of his bound and gagged family." or "So, Down's Syndrome, eh? Exactly what is it about the twenty-third chromosome that keeps you from knowing that you've got chapped lips?" or "Helen Keller Was An Idiot" or "Jump Start: Apparently, I'm not supposed to claim this isn't a good cartoon. After all, it stars black people. I may get into trouble with the ACLU." I mean, come on, people. Can't take a joke? Yeah, I admit it, sometimes I come off as a complete jerk. But hey, so does Chad Michael Murray (for comepletely different and more "real" reasons), but tens of tens of people still love him and his vomit-inducing work. You know, every time I see CMM in a movie, it makes me wish looks could kill. Through a TV set. Across time and space. Yeah, that'd be cool. Oh, sorry. On a lighter note, I hate Chad Michael Murray.


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