Friday, July 01, 2005

This Is A Totally Real Story

This is the single funniest real news story I've ever heard. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Oh, your baby is so cute I could just eat him up." Who knows if the guy actually did it, and what's more, who cares? All I know is that this is the first real-life news story I've ever read that has made me laugh out loud. People are retarded. For me, the real kicker is the fact that this guy uses his vegetarianism as his strongest defense. He doesn't say, "I don't eat babies because it's morally wrong, and also it's just plain gross. Plus, they're a pain to peel." No, instead, he dismisses the charges as ludicrous because everyone knows he doesn't eat meat! Oh, man. I'm laughing so hard it's getting difficult to type.


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