Tuesday, September 06, 2005

You Idiots Are Totally Missing It

I can't believe how many stupid people there are in the world. Even just in our little corner of the globe, there are more stupid people than you can shake a stick at and/or beat to death with said stick. I prefer the latter, because that way, I get to hurt somebody. Anyway, I'm sick and tired of hearing people complain about how bad the federal government's handling of the relief effort in New Orleans has been. Disaster relief is not the responsibility of the federal government, no matter what your blue-state idiot friends have told you. Get a job, hippy.

Everyone's heard the phrase "Good enough for government work." Where do you geniuses think we got that? Did we just pull some random, obscure concept that government is inefficient out of the air? Hell no. That phrase exists for one reason only: Years of witnessing failure on the part of the federal government to get anything done. It's practically an intuitive concept. Ask anybody on the street if they think the federal government is efficient. I bet you'll be lucky to find 3 out of 10 people who answer in the affirmative. The left's whole philosophy on handling governmental problems begins and ends with "Just give it more money." Too bad more money only guarantees more bureaucracy, and thus more problems.

What we need is a private company whose sole purpose is to run and regulate relief efforts in disaster-ridden areas. And I'm not talking about the Red Cross. I mean a company that would handle EVERYTHING. They should have helicopters, boats, construction crews, food, water, emergency medical supplies, tents and shelters, toys for kids, and everything else you could think of. The free market would force such a company to perform every time. None of this governmental aid crap. Then again, maybe the real problem lies with the worse-than-federal-government relief coming from the laughable Governor of Louisiana and the racist, lazy, timid, jackass mayor of New Orleans. What a son of a bitch. He should be hanged for how he dealt with this tragedy.

And hey, while I'm at it, as for the complaints from the people in New Orleans, why don't you get up off your lazy, welfare-supported asses and clean up your own city? How about not waiting for Uncle Sam to swoop down and offer his teat? That's how the real world works, you jackasses! Some of you, the ones who haven't been working but have had plenty to complain about, don't deserve the meager aid you've been given.


Blogger Vaughan said...

What? Does anybody know what these are? Is it a standard tag some people put on their comments, or these just bots? John, I'm looking in your direction...

5:51 PM  
Blogger Hehoff said...

Andrew, you realize the only way your big company for dealing with disasters can exist is if the government pays them. No one else can afford that, and they need a competitor in order to keep them effective.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Yeah. I do.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Hehoff said...

Anyone else see this as an act of God meant to cleanse a city full of people foolish enough to live below sea-level?

1:05 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Most definitely. In fact, you reminded me of a line I wanted to use that was similar to that: "Leave it to the French to build a costal city below sea level in an area that is known for its torrential storms."

2:23 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I guess you should tell that to the people who are living in Baton Rouge now because of the fact that the entire parish is flooded.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I mean, if you're going to walk around saying "Woe is me," might as well do it when you've lost everything you own and probably a few of your relatives to boot.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Or maybe you could try to salvage what's left and be a man.

10:06 PM  

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