Friday, January 27, 2006

To All You Morons Who Want Your Stupid Money Back After Having Read James Frey's "A Million Little Pieces"

Anyone who bought a book by an unknown author about his struggles with drug addiction deserves to lose their money. The world is better off now that you're $19.95 poorer. And congrats to James Frey. Hats off, man. You got 'em good. People, listen up. A memoir is a subgenre of something we call creative nonfiction. Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood," generally considered a pioneering work in the burgeoning genre, featured an entire scene at the end of the story that was completely fabricated by the author. Get over it.

The really sick part is the fact that "A MIllion Little Pieces" sold so many copies to begin with. Why do you voyeuristic jerktards even care about this guy's struggle? I'll tell you why. Because it was sensationalized. If he'd written the real story of his fairly-standard struggle with drugs, you people couldn't ignore it faster. Did you know that he actually peddled the manuscript as fiction because of the huge number of exaggerations and outright lies? Of course you didn't. No one cared about that story as fiction. So, he did what any starving artist would've done. He changed the description to make it a memoir, and whamo! A new bestseller is born. It's all you sensationalist jackasses who made his book a bestseller. Shame on you. And thank you, Mr Frey, for exposing it.


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