Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I Think Blood Started Trickling Out Of My Ear

A couple days ago, I was sitting in class, in Male/Female Comm to be precise, and we were talking about attachment styles. They're just the styles we all have when we're involved in a romantic relationship. Anyway, the question, "Are we destined to stay in our particular style patterns?" came up. We decided that the answer was yes, to a certain degree, but that small changes can be forcibly made at the will of the individual. That's when it happened. A question so stupid, I think it made me go back in time a couple seconds. It was so moronic, it gave me physical pain. It was so retarded, my eye started to twitch and I began getting tunnel vision. This idiot in the back of the class (who never shuts up when the prof is talking anyway; I'm surprised she even knew what we were talking about) said, with all the confidence and seriousness she could muster in that lemon-sized brain of hers, "OK, so maybe we're destined, but DO WE HAVE TO?" I can only assume that her near-eighth-grade level education (thanks to our glorious public school system) so far had taught her that a question like that is severely deep and meaningful, even abstruse. I think she made that pithy little "Ooohh" sound under her breath to try and get the ball rolling, hoping we'd all follow suit and forget that she's practically a mongoloid and agree with her that her question was any better than a big, flaming pile of camel diarrhea. I was so blown away by the sheer stupidity of that question, I think my own IQ dropped fifteen points.


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