Sunday, March 05, 2006

Oh, Let The Poor People Speak

I was so angry with the director and orchestra conductor continually interrupting all those poor millionaire actors and actresses during their acceptance speeches at the Academy Awards earlier tonight. They don't get enough time in the spotlight nowadays with such unimportant events as the war in Iraq selfishly hogging newstime. Why can't our actors and actresses finally be heard? I'd really like to know what they have to say on issues of foreign policy and national security. Some of them have gone through weeks and weeks of intense acting training, something Condoleeza Rice only WISHES she could boast. They deserve my undivided attention while they're up there on stage, receiving their masturbatory award that they themselves voted on. Why else would it be on TV? It's not like TV producers are selective about what gets broadcast. They're fair and balanced, because that's the way the world works and that's the way the government should force it to be. I can't get enough of George Clooney's self-aggrandizing speeches, nor would I ever say no to hearing more from the 90-year-old man who wrote Brokeback Mountain. These people are national treasures, and should be treated as such.


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