Thursday, April 20, 2006

...And From Then On, America Declared "Personal Responsibility" To Be An Unconstitutional Sentiment

Raise your hand if you've ever heard or seen one of those commercials about how if you don't talk to your kids about marijuana, then they won't know what to say when one of their friends offers them a hit. Or something like that. Can you believe this? Can you believe we're actually hearing people say that? It's appalling. God forbid we actually take responsibility for our actions. Oh, no. That would be far too nice of us. We have to blame it on our parents. "He asked me if I wanted to take a hit, and since I've never seen a single tv show or movie in which marijuana was even mentioned in passing, and I also never went to school, and I also have been living under a rock for my entire life, and I probaby also have mild brain damage and an IQ of 13, I said yes, and now, thanks to my parents, and not placing any of the blame on my own stupid actions, I got caught with pot at school. I should probably be put in a foster home, since these parents clearly don't love me enough to say. 'Don't smoke pot,' because if they'd just said those three little words, I would've definitely agreed with their position and never done drugs or even cheated on a math test or argued with my siblings, because I listen to my parents that well." That's what kids would say in the magical make-believe world those commericial's producers are living in. Why on Earth would anyone ever disobey there parents, especially if those parents never disgraced their child by spanking him? The child, out of sheer awe and respect for his wise, all-knowing parents, who learned their lesson about pot at Woodstock, should just blindly accept that his parents are right all those times. Unless, of course, they spank him. Then they're always wrong.


Blogger Captain Quicksand said...

Those commercials are for bragging rites of those less fortunate. You know, the same morons that have no purpose in life and this makes them feel important. Some will use it as a tax write off. But you are right, it's definitely not to educate the youth of America. Probably paid for by teachers so they don't have to take responsibility of educating them at school. Make the parents do it at home and still get paid the same for doing less.

6:57 PM  

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