Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nigga Please

I've never, never understood why any black person would ever be offended by the so-called N-word. Lemme break it down like a fraction for ya: "Nigger" is derived from a bastardization of the word "negro," which is, as we all know, Spanish for "black." Over time, it became "negra" because of most Southern whites' drawls. "Negra," then, became "nigra." Finally, "nigra" made way for "nigger." If anything, Southern white people should be insulted by the use of the word "nigger" because it proves that they are incapable of pronouncing a simple two-syllable word without butchering it. How exactly is it offensive? Is it that it reminds black people of the horrible ways in which they were treated in the American South as recently as forty years ago (and, in small pockets, as recently as today)? If so, then why do so many black comedians and rappers use the word (usually in its phonetic form: nigga)? If historical context is the only reason black people find the word offensive, then why is it still used so much? And if it's not the only reason, then what else is there? I'm just tired of the huge double standard we've placed on the word. Either it can be used without reservation, or it should never be used. People need to make up their minds.


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