Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The Car Horn Is To Get People's Attention, Not To Say "Hello" Or "I Disapprove Of That Particular Maneuver!"

OK, I thought I was going to be able to leave this blog alone for today, other than the quotation from "Hellboy." I was wrong. Today, I was taking a shuttle from the main campus of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs to an off-campus parking lot. We had to turn left at an intersection with oncoming traffic and no lights. The shuttle driver turned "in front" of two cars that were NOWHERE NEAR close enough to any sort of danger to merit a horn honk. They, being the certifiable geniuses they were, decided to make their disapproval of the shuttle driver's maneuver known by honking. Now, let me ask you, what the hell for? I have no idea, and I'm hoping someone out there can enlighten me as to why there are millions of jackasses across the country who have taken it upon themselves to honk when it is completely unnecessary to do so. You are supposed to honk if you are beside a driver who is in the habit of not checking his blind spot before changing lanes. It's a safety issue, you morons. It's not a freaking soapbox. Get off your pedestal. I can't tell you how many times I've seen these idiots honking at people who turn in front of them just for the sake of hearing their own horns. To all of you out there who do that: We know you're there. WE GET IT. I hope you die horrible, ironic deaths at the hands of people weaker than you.


Blogger John said...

Perhaps you can market this: hugs not honks. I can see an informercial now...

6:49 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Maybe you could manufacture some sort of intermediate honk, like a softer, more mellow-sounding "hello" honk. The honk used for the purposes you are describing could remain really loud and obnoxious, and then a honking language could evolve. Hopefully this wouldn't be as distracting as cell phones, which I really hate...

11:04 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

You know, Christy, I really like the idea of a "horn language." Now THAT would be something I'd like to implement. I, for one, have always loved the notion of mounting an actual bullhorn underneath my hood, so if anyone tries to honk at me, I can rationally explain to them why I did what I did. Either that, or I'll tell them they can just screw themselves.

11:42 PM  

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