Wednesday, March 30, 2005

How Hard Is It To Spell Bargain?

I forgot to add this to my previous post, but it's worth mentioning. My family went to Tombstone, Arizona over spring break, and it sucked. It was totally commercialized. They were selling old-style lingerie from the 1880's from the building that used to house the Oriental Saloon, a place made infamous for the extraordinarily violent behavior of its patrons. There were a ton of historically significant buildings all around the city that were filled with t-shirts emblazoned with pictures from the movie "Tombstone." It was like every idiot in the area got together and decided to market the city not as one with an incredible history, but as "the city where the movie 'Tombstone' was set." Americans are stupid. The little history we do have has been ruined by t-shirt vendors and the people who put those dead scorpions in clear glass domes and sell them in gift shops. So, I was already pretty pissed at the Tombstone chamber of commerce when I walked into a shop and saw a handwritten sign that proclaimed a "bargian." I couldn't believe it. The cranky middle-aged woman behind the counter was so convinced of her own superiority to all us mindless cattle in her store that she didn't bother to spell check her own idiot writing. As if that weren't enough, in the next store I saw a sign advertising a sale on rattlesnake "vertebrea." That one made me lose it. Clearly, it was a pretty old sign, which meant that no one in the last year or so had told this schmuck that his sign made him appear to have the intellectual capacity of... well, Sean Penn.


Blogger Bekah said...

Ergo, you had two options
1. leave the signs as is for the next observant speller to gripe about
2. Correct the people's obvious lack of spelling.
And you did...

2:37 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I left the signs, of course. No use in telling the store clerks about the errors when I could leave them for the next observant patron to find.

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post kills me. I hate everyone.

11:12 AM  

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