Thursday, June 23, 2005

I've Made A Huge Mistake

A couple days ago, I went down to the store to pick up some paper towels and large quantities of gummi bears. When I came out, I got into the car, inserted the key, turned it, and... nothing. The engine didn't make a peep. Panicked, I turned the key again, and still got nothing. After trying four or five more times, I started mentally planning out a phone call to the nearest person I knew. I decided on my grandmother. She lives only about a mile away from the store. So, I called her up, explained the situation, and asked if she could drive down and give me a jump start. A few minutes later, she was there, and I pulled out the jumper cables I keep in the back of the Jeep for just such an emergency. I hooked the cables up just the way you're supposed to, thanks to a call to my dad I'd made a few minutes before. I wanted to be sure about that part, because if you do it wrong, you end up with an IQ comparable to that of Paris Hilton. Anyway, I tried to get the Jeep started several times while connected to my grandmother's Explorer. Nothin'. Then, she offered me a ride, so I acquiesced to defeat, and got a ride back home. Several hours later, my dad called me from the King Soopers parking lot, saying that he'd gotten the Jeep started. Grateful to know that I hadn't broken the dang thing, I asked him if he just started it normally, or if he'd given it a jump start. He said, "I just got in the car and started it normally. The only thing I noticed was that it was in 'drive' instead of 'park.'" That's right, ladies and gentlemen. I couldn't get my own car started because I'd left the thing in "drive" before I went into the store. Laugh it up.


Blogger Kristi said...

Just another reason why i don't believe in driving an automatic...yep.

3:24 PM  
Blogger Hehoff said...

Hmmm, my car won't let me remove my keys until it's in park. You just gave me a fantastic reason to be grateful for this little feature.

5:42 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

My Jeep's never had a feature like that. In fact, I can take the keys out while the car's still on, in gear, and even moving! It's nice when you have a mailbox that requires a key for access, and you don't want to turn off your car to get the mail. On the other hand, it's not so nice if you're a drooling idiot who parks without putting his car in park.

11:29 AM  

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