Sunday, July 10, 2005

Late Night AM Radio

If there's one thing I love, it's steak. If, however, I were allowed to love two things, they would be steak and late-night AM radio. Man, that's good stuff. Last night, I heard these two guys talking about how the Y chromosome is slowly breaking down, and a thousand years from now, men will be completely extinct. Funny thing was, after a half hour talking about the male human going extinct, neither man mentioned the fact that ALL humans would therefore become extinct. I guess things like "thinking before you speak" and "not being an idiot" aren't among the criteria for late-night AM radio talk show hosts. Apparently, all you need is a voice and the ability to go to commercial breaks. Not that I mind, however. It's all quite entertaining to hear about all the crazy conspiracy theories these guys have when you're completely sober and also a high school graduate. One of my favorites is this theory that aliens taught the Egyptians how to harness a mysterious energy source, which the Egyptians obviously used to build Las Vegas. Or the Great Pyramids. Whatever. Yeah, apparently, the world's top scientific minds have been completely in the dark concerning this energy source for the last four thousand years, but some disgruntled engineer at 3M stumbled on it during an all-night Star Trek marathon using nothing but a ball of string, six dead cats, and a box of Depends. Amazing.


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