Monday, July 11, 2005

A Trip To The Dentist

I've always had an aversion to the dentist. Mainly, it's because I've got pretty strong teeth, and never had to worry about flossing religiously. It was just a nuisance to have to go through the whole ordeal of getting a cleaning every six months and getting told I needed to floss more. Screw that. Well, I was recently given a real reason to start flossing again. I came out of the dentist's office with the new knowlege that I had four cavities. Today, I just got home after having two of them filled. It was the first time I'd ever had to have a novacaine shot. Not too bad. I just hated hearing the sound of my own teeth being drilled away, bit by bit.

I finally decided I'm not a very good patient. It was mostly because I was moving around so much. The dentist even stopped and said, "You sure are jumping around a lot. Is it the vibration?" Well, since I had a drill in my mouth at the time, I couldn't answer him with, "No, I think it has more to do with the fact that you're taking a power dril to my face. And also, you're spraying my own saliva all over my glasses." I just kept quiet the whole time, because I figured that most dentists don't react too well when their patients say things like, "I have absolutely no respect for what you do" or "Is that puzzle you've got hanging on the ceiling over my head properly secured, because I don't want any of the pieces falling into my mouth." I'm sure the man has a good sense of humor. It's just that I don't want to risk pissing off a guy who's about to make holes in my head.

During the actual drilling, I kept wondering if the novacaine made it all the way through my teeth in time. I just kept on imagining what I would do if I was suddenly overcome with blinding pain. I came to the conclusion that, if such a thing were to ever happen, I'd most likely kill the man where he stands. Well, either that, or cry like a girl.

I did learn something new, though. If you slap a dental hygienist more than twice, she WILL hit you back.


Blogger Kristi said...

Just reading this post made me nauseous and my teeth hurt. Gosh I hate the dentist! With the fire of a thousand suns. And novacaine hates me - it takes like 6 hours to wear off. Ok - that's all I have to say about that.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Yeah, that novacaine really sucks. I had an appointment for 2:30, and I was numb until about 9:30 last night. Plus, after the feeling comes back, there's the soreness. I can't eat anything hard right now. Man, I hate having teeth!

1:02 PM  

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