Thursday, February 02, 2006

Guess What: No One Cares

Isn't it just horrible that Bush and his cronies are tapping our conversations? I mean, I could be in the middle of a very personal call, and it might be recorded and then played back for the president himself! And then, if the gossip is juicy enough, he'll probably read a transcript of the conversation live on his weekly radio address to the nation. It's definitely possible. I could be bearing my soul to someone in a really intimate phone convo (because I prefer to do stuff like that over the phone instead of in person, anyway), and it might get out for the whole world to know about.

Yeah, that's what the government's tapping phone lines for. Guess what, hippies: no one cares that you spend your Friday nights calling 900 numbers. Believe it or not, the government actually has more to concern itself with than who at your high school likes whom. If you're worried that the government is going to tap your phone line, then you SHOULD be. If you actually deal day-to-day in matters that threaten our homeland security, then not only should your phone line be tapped, but you should be required to clean the streets of Las Vegas with your tongue. Surprise, surprise. You aren't the center of the universe. Deal with it. And get a job.


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