Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Cause That Makes Me Feel Safer

I live in a town almost exclusively populated by white upper middle class Christian Republicans. The biggest news in town is when one of the 40 or so pastors' kids gets busted for having pot at school. Again. There's not a whole lot happening in Monument most of the time. If someone is in a car accident, we can connect ourselves to them three different ways in no more than two degrees each. Yeah, it's that kind of small town. But for some unknown reason, every member of my family insists on locking our front door even if they're just leaving to get the mail. It's insane. Locked doors only keep people from getting into your house at night in one of those "home invasion" type dealies because they don't want to wake anybody up by breaking the door down. If a thief sees that a house is empty, locking the door isn't going to do jack to stop him from stealing all your stuff. Who's going to hear the door being broken? That's right, no one. I'm sick and tired of coming home from a ten-minute trip to the grocery store and having to knock on the front door of my own home. You'd think we lived in Compton.


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