Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Finally, People Might Start To Realize That Oliver Stone Is A No-Talent Hack

Vindication! I have said for years that Oliver Stone is an idiot, and it appears that finally, after trying to convince people forever, everybody's gonna know it. I am, of course, referring to Alexander. Now, I'm sorry that this has to happen to Colin Farrel, Val Kilmer, and Anthony Hopkins, who are all gifted actors, but it's worth it to see Oliver "I fling feces at others" Stone fall flat on his face. "Alexander" was behind "The Spongebob Squarepants Movie," which, by the way, had already been out for two weeks! Now THAT'S a burn if I've ever seen one. I think I'm having a little TOO MUCH fun hating "Alexander" because I hate Stone so much. It's sorta like Patton Oswalt says, "I think I enjoy steak more than I actually enjoy it, because I hate hippies so much. Remember this: every time you eat a steak, a hippy loses his hacky sack." That's gold, Jerry, gold! I HIGHLY recommend a comedy album from Patton Oswalt called "Feelin' Kinda Patton." Fan-freaking-tastic. But I digress. Where was I... Oh yeah, I hate Oliver Stone.


Blogger Kristi said...

My roomie did a little review on Alexander today on her blog too...spooky. I haven't seen it though - probably won't waste my time. I'm not an Oliver Stone fan myself, except for Platoon and The Doors, but that's because of the actors.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I myself only liked one Stone film, "Natural Born Killers," but that's only because it was originally written by Quentin Tarantino. It would have been even better had Tarantino himself directed it.

9:14 PM  

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