Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Surprise! You're Not Funny!

Most people aren't funny. I know it sounds kinda rough to say, but it's the sad state of things. Guess what, Mr "My idea of a sense of humor is simply repeating worn-out phrases from tv and movies," you're not funny. They just don't seem to get it, do they? It's always somebody else who "killed it," but never them. I know that everyone out there knows somebody like this. There's always that one person at a party or some other little get-together who thinks it's an absolute riot to say something as hilarious as, "Who let the dogs out!?" or "Waaazzzzaaaaaappp?" or "Shut up, Richard." or my personal favorite, "That's pretty sick, Chubbs." Man, you guys are totally AWESOME and funny and original in every sense of the word because I am so not being sarcastic. Oh, you guys don't think people still say those things? I'm sure a lot of you think that no one could, in fact, be so out-of-touch that they still say those lame-ass phrases. You'd be wrong. Help me start a revolution. I'm calling the vast hordes of my readers (that's right, all three of you) to start telling people who aren't funny that they aren't funny. Instead of encouraging them, JUST SAY NO. Friends don't let friends think they're funny when they really, really aren't. Let's stop the charade. "Dude, shut up. No one thinks you're funny."

Now, this is not to say that I believe I'm the funniest person in the world. I don't think I'm the next Jerry Seinfeld. Oh no, far from it. I'm just funnier than you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

True. True. One of the comment that a few of my peers refuse to let die is 'ol Napoleon Dynamite which "is pretty cool, I guess" Every time I attempt to have a conversation with them hoping they've grown out of the Zoolander phase mutter a quick quip with that retarted Napoleon voice. After I get one of those quotes, I realize I can't continue with this and excuse myself from the scene entirely.

7:16 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Oh man, Anonymous, quotes that are done in any sort of special voice are the WORST. Nobody can do the voice like the original actor, and they shouldn't even try. The best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) examples of this come from two movies that come immediately to mind: "Dumb and Dumber" and "Zoolander." Last time I checked, there was only one Jim Carrey and one Ben Stiller. That leaves 99.9990139967% of the population that is neither Ben Stiller nor Jim Carrey, but I get the feeling that most of the people who actually do these horrible impressions aren't big on "numbers" or "facts." I feel for you.

9:34 PM  

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