Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

After all the hype and awards and promises of carnal delights, I finally caved. I just finished watching Million Dollar Baby. You know, that flop that didn't even show at a theater near you and made about $4 million worldwide? That's the one. Let me tell you, it deserved all those Oscars. While it's no Kill Bill: Vol. 2, it doesn't try to be. It's an intimate portrait of three people, and their passion for the sport they have dedicated their lives to. I don't want to give too much away, because the joy is in the journey, not the destination. I was EXTREMELY skeptical at first, because I tend to avoid boxing movies like the plague. After winning best picture and best director at the Academy Awards, it seemed as though it may not be that bad after all. I'm sure glad I decided to watch it. I know there are plenty of people out there who won't like it, and that's fine. But for those of you who like a good drama done right, you can't get much better with modern films.

Why, then, did about forty people in the entire country see this movie? I doubt that most of the members of AMPAS even saw it. Chris Rock was right in that joke he made at the Oscars; Americans don't watch cinema at all. They watch "White Chicks" and "War of the Worlds" and "Rebound." Then, they see some travesty like "Fahrenheit 9/11" and think they're watching an art film. You people make me sick! Go watch "Memento" or "Requiem for a Dream" or "Citizen Kane" or "Some Like it Hot" or "Halloween" or "Psycho" or "North By Northwest." Watch some real freaking movies, dammit! I'm sick of this crap!


Blogger Kristi said...

I am in complete and utter agreement about everyone going to see crappy movies. Amen! I haven't seen Million Dollar Baby yet, but I'm quite intrigued now. I opted not to watch it for the same reason you did - boxing movies don't appeal to me AT ALL. And nice list of movies at the end - they're ALL wonderful and some of my favs! I'm proud to say the majority of them are in my DVD collection, because they're such wonderful pieces of cinema. Yay for good movies!

10:30 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Well, it's nice to know that there are at least some people out there who still know what a good movie is.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Good for you, Beth. I'm glad there's still SOME culture around me.

10:42 PM  

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